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19892009Camilo Matiz1989
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十相自在2017Fuchs NatalieKalachakra - L’éveil
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白毛女2016侯克明Bai Mao Nu
活佛1994Clemens KubyLiving Buddha
如何发动一场革命2011Ruaridh ArrowHow to Start a Revolution
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摇滚明星2011Imtiaz AliRockstar
西藏战士2015Dodo HunzikerTibetan Warrior
高科技,低生活2012Stephan MaingHigh Tech, Low Life
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未夠秤2014杜浩綸(Matthew Torne)Lessons in Dissent
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即将到来的对华战争2016John PilgerThe Coming War on China
黃之鋒:青年對強權2017Joe PiscatellaJoshua: Teenager vs. Superpower
故乡劫1966张曾泽Gu xiang jie
乌坎三日2012艾晓明Three Days in Wukan
天下无诈2019余丁Tian Xia Wu Zha
当龙吞了太阳2010Dirk SimonWhen the Dragon Swallowed the Sun
时间之轮2003Werner HerzogWheel of Time
色情片天王1999Wesley EmersonWadd: The Life & Times of John C. Holmes
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西藏:雪山狮子的哭泣2002Tom PiozetTibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
习因素2015Jane McMullenThe Xi Factor
仇岗卫士2010杨紫烨The Warriors of Qiugang
乌云背后的太阳:西藏自由的斗争2010Ritu Sarin, Tenzing SonamThe Sun Behind the Clouds: Tibet’s Struggle for Freedom
理想国2017Peter KosminskyThe State
苏联故事2008Edvins SnoreThe Soviet Story
中国:革命的世纪 之二:毛时代1994Sue WilliamsThe Mao Years: 1949-1976
中国:革命的世纪 之三:生在红旗下1997Sue WilliamsChina: Born Under the Red Flag
情人与暴君2016Ross Adam, Robert CannanThe Lovers & the Despot
西藏失落的世界2006Emma HindleyThe Lost World of Tibet
中国骗局2017Jed RothsteinThe China Hustle
爱的十个条件2009Jeff DanielsThe 10 Conditions of Love
夏季放牧2010Lynn True, Nelson Walker III, Tsering PerloSummer Pasture
麦地冲的歌声2016胡杰Songs from Maidichong
霾途2015贾樟柯Smog Journeys
朝鲜秘密国2014James JonesSecret State of North Korea
天狐入侵/红色黎明/赤色黎明1984John MiliusRed Dawn
资本主义人民共和国2008Ted KoppelPeople’s Republic of Capitalism
长城之外2011韩光Outside the Great Wall
中国人来了2011Justin RowlattThe Chinese are Coming
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坦克人2006Antony ThomasThe Tank Man
沙尘暴2004Michael MahonenSandstorm
朝鲜:家戮2017Jane McMullenNorth Korea: Murder in the Family
八九点钟的太阳2003Geramie Barmé, Richard Gordon, Carma HintonMorning Sun
米拉热帕2006Neten ChoklingMilarepa
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毛的大饥荒2012Patrick CabouatLa grande famine de Mao
假孔子之名2017Doris LiuIn the Name of Confucius
活摘2014Leon LeeHuman Harvest
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噤声2012Barbara MillerForbidden Voices
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梦拉萨2005Ritu Sarin, Tenzing SonamDreaming Lhasa
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旷工2012郭宗福Kuang gong
中国崛起2006China Rises
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艾未未:证据2014Grit LedererAi Weiwei: Evidence
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我还有话要说2012应亮When Night Falls
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星火2013胡杰Xing huo
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